Other Pages
This page displays the User Guide information from the docs, and links to the official docs if you need additional clarification.
Report Issue
This page has a button that will open your web browser to the "pyStructify Bug Report" form. You can use this form (or email me directly) to notify me of any bugs you find. I am not a professional developer, and this was my first project so I'm sure there's bound to be things I overlooked. Please don't hesitate to reach out if/when you find bugs.
The About page is similar to in the docs. It lists provides information like what the project is, why I made it, and who I am.
Standard MIT License
Check for Updates
Want to make sure you're app is up to date? Click the Check For Updates
button on this page, and pyStructify will let you know if there's been an update. If there has, you can click the Update
button to get access to the download link.
Show Support
This page covers how you can show your support. I am a solo hobbyist developer with a full time job. As much as I'd like to transition to a software develop career, I think it won't be in the cards for quite some time. In the meantime, donations are always appreciated, but so is feedback. You can email me at contact@aprilmaycodes.com if you have any questions, concerns, or just constructive criticism.